
Holistic HR document management solutions

Eliminate the hassle of employee file management with our all-in-one document management solutions. We offer secure storage and easy accessibility of employee documents in a central digitized repository.
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Before Kleeto, HR document management was cumbersome and time-consuming



Maintaining compliance is a crucial but often challenging duty. Companies regularly learn about missing essential documentation only during audits.


Ready Access

Decision-making at critical times may be hampered when personnel files and information are not easily accessible.


Physical Document Collection

Collecting physical documentation is a pain for HR teams at every stage of an employee's life cycle, from onboarding to offboarding.


Wet Signatures

It can take a while for everyone to sign and approve documents in writing, especially if they are spread out across different locations.

We offer more than what you see


Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

Efficiently manage your employee onboarding and offboarding process with our configurable and customizable automated solutions.


Compliance Automation and Status

Our solutions for automating compliance and monitoring your progress will help you maintain full compliance with minimal effort.


QR Code Embedded Documents

Easily access tamperproof verifiable information with Kleeto's QR code embedded solution.


Notification and Reminders

Depending on how your organization operates, you may modify any information that is sent out and activate notifications and alerts.


Legally Valid Digital Signature

Kleeto's Digital Signature feature allows you to legally sign documents without being physically present.


Integration with Existing HR Tools

Integrate Kleeto with your current HR management tools, eliminating the need to switch systems and start afresh.


Transactional Content Management

Take content management to the next level with our Transactional Content Management service. Identify which content is most effective and how it contributes to achieving the end goals.


Employee File Lifecycle Management

Streamline and simplify HR operations with Kleeto's highly organized Document Management System, reducing the complexity of manual processes.


Document Generation

All documents are stored on the cloud and can be restored at any given point in time.


Document reminder

Receive notifications and alerts so that you can stay up-to-date and monitor what's important to you.


Email Management

Automate segmenting and routing of emails to specific folders, streamlining your workflow and optimizing resources.


Document Print and Insertion

Easily enforce compliance and track document changes with Kleeto’s document management system.

Set Up A Demo

With Kleeto, you can easily organise
all your documents.

Kleeto streamlines critical document management via automated solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We can keep the new employee engaged during the onboarding phase via Welcome emails and send them documents like policies, FAQs, etc..

Yes, we can generate statutory and employee information forms on the Onboarding tool.

Yes, we can edit the information of an existing employee.

Connect now and start today!

We aim to continuously improve the standard for customer experience by using the internet and technology to make it easier for consumers to search for, access, and streamline document management.